Conservation of minerals in Jharkhand

Conserving the natural resources of Jharkhand

Jharkhand, the twenty-fourth largest state in India, is known as the land of minerals and steel, having rich mineral deposits and large steel plants. Jharkhand has abundant resources of minerals including iron ore, copper ore, manganese ore, limestone, mica, bauxite and dolomite which are the basic raw materials for steel industry. However the huge demand for minerals has led to increase in mining activities all over the state resulting in depletion of natural resources in recent years.

The need for conserving mineral resources

The eastern states are known for their huge mineral deposits. Some states, however, are not making much use of these deposits. This is due to illegal mining and cutting down trees in many parts. When minerals are mined in large amounts, they get over exhausted and get damaged because of that. This will result in huge losses to our environment and economy as well. In order to save our environment from destruction and conserve it for future generations we need to follow a system where our country will take maximum benefits from its natural resources without overusing them or exhausting them completely. It is necessary for us to make efforts towards conservation as well as increasing our production so that we do not have any shortage in it.

Methods to conserve our natural resources

Awareness is one important aspect in saving our environment. India being a country with different communities, regions and languages, means that special efforts need to be taken to raise awareness and spread information about various issues relating to conservation, deforestation, pollution and sustainable development. This can only be done effectively by organising workshops and seminars at different schools, colleges and universities as well as through media campaigns. The younger generation has to be educated about these issues so that they understand their importance when shaping their future.

Why is there so much opposition towards conservation?

As much as conservationists want to help our environment, they run into opposition in their mission. The common belief is that if people are able to do whatever they want with their land, then it’s not a big deal if they pollute or destroy something in order to make more money. While it may be true that everyone wants a better life for themselves and their family, many people also have no idea what it means to care for our planet or for future generations. Because of these misperceptions about conservation efforts, we need ways to show people that there is real value in conserving our natural resources.

What steps should we take now?

Every single Indian citizen should take it as their responsibility to help conserve these precious minerals that are necessary for our day-to-day living. There are a number of steps we can take right now to minimize loss. For instance, you can use energy efficient appliances, drive fuel efficient cars and in general switch to renewable energy sources. You can also ensure that you only purchase products from companies that recycle minerals efficiently (if you happen to be a company owner) or purchase products made from recycled materials. Such actions will go a long way in conserving these resources for future generations too! Since minerals like iron, aluminum and others get extracted directly from mines, there is very little that individuals like us can do except for recycling them. However there are ways in which all of us can minimize consumption of metals so that fewer new ones need to be extracted from our Earth’s crust in order to meet demand. This not only helps save your money but also ensures conservation efforts don’t fall short due to lack of raw material supply! Choosing wood over metal or plastic furniture not only saves energy during manufacturing but reduces demand for extraction and processing as well thereby ensuring zero impact on trees. Similarly choosing cloth/jute over leather bags will save animals along with saving trees too without impacting your style statement too much!


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